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Issue 10.1 ('Reporting')
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Large Database Objects

Working with pictures in databases

Issue: 10.1 (November/December 2011)
Author Bio: Paul Lefebvre has been using Real Studio for 9 years. His company, LogicalVue Software, specializes in creating database applications using Real Studio. Paul also runs the RBDevZone community site and is a founding member of the Association of REALbasic Professionals.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 4,312
Starting Page Number: 79
Article Number: 10011
Related Link(s): None

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Typically most database data consists of simple types such as INTEGER, TEXT, FLOAT, DATETIME and BOOLEAN. But sometimes you might have a need to store other things in your database, such as pictures, files or some other binary data. Databases have support for this using a column type called a BLOB, for binary large object.

Using a BLOB with Real Studio

To access a BLOB using real studio you have to use a RecordSet or database record. You cannot directly use SQL.

If you are working with a Picture, you can use the PictureValue property of the DatabaseField on a RecordSet like this:

Dim myDB As REALSQLDatabase

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.