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Issue 10.2 ('Assumption Approach')
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Is Outsourcing the Answer?

Outsourcing an Editor to India

Issue: 10.2 (January/February 2012)
Author: Tam Hanna
Author Bio: Tam Hanna, founder of Tamoggemon Ltd., has developed mobile apps since 2004. In addition, he acts as a consultant for various firms, speaks at events, writes tech books, and runs a blog network on all things phone.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 15,228
Starting Page Number: 23
Article Number: 10206
Related Link(s): None

Excerpt of article text...

Since 2004, yours truly has run a group of technology web sites. As the company expanded, the sites were relegated to the "back line" and became more and more dilapidated.

As nobody likes to have a dead division in his firm, the decision was made to revitalize the news services. This had to be done with minimal budget; the insanely high Austrian taxes made hiring a local news editor impossible. So we looked into outsourcing the position to India.

The Standard of Living

For most individuals in western societies, taxes are the single biggest reduction from the net wage. If the numbers are run, well-off Austrians pay 50% tax on their wages—in the United States, the situation is not much better.

Thusly, moving to a land without kleptomaniac rulers is the single best thing an entrepreneur can do for himself: for example, Europeans can flee to tax havens like Slovakia. For an Austrian, this immediately doubles the disposable income—without a single bit of extra work.

...in India

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.