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Issue 10.2 ('Assumption Approach')
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Creating a Web API

Creating dialog boxes in a web app

Issue: 10.2 (January/February 2012)
Author: Paul Lefebvre
Author Bio: Paul Lefebvre has been using Real Studio for 10 years. His company, LogicalVue Software, specializes in creating database applications using Real Studio. Paul also runs the RBDevZone community site and is a founding member of the Association of Real Studio Professionals.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 5,261
Starting Page Number: 65
Article Number: 10213
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The creation of dialog boxes with Web Edition is completely different than how it works with a desktop application. In this issue we will take a look at the WebDialog class.


In a desktop application, there are two ways to create a dialog. For simple dialogs, you can use the MessageDialog class and create your dialog in code. For more complex dialogs, you create a modal window and display it using the ShowModal (or ShowModalWithin) methods.

In Web Edition, you use the WebDialog class to create your dialogs. Regardless of whether they are simple or small, you will create your dialog by hand, adding the controls you need to it. The WebDialog can take on three different forms, although they each work the same: modal, sheet, and palette. A modal dialog pops up in the middle of the page, a sheet dialog drops down from the top of the browser, and a palette displays as a floating window within the page.

Let's get started by creating a new Real Studio Web project. Select the Project tab and you should see a button called "Add Dialog." This is the first difference from desktop applications where dialogs are created in code using the MessageDialog class.

This will add a WebDialog subclass to your project. Click it and add a dialog, changing its name to TestDialog.

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