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MBS Conference Report

What Happened at the MBS Xojo Developer's Conference in Germany

Issue: 11.6 (November/December 2013)
Author: Bill Kearney
Author Bio: Bill Kearney is an aircraft weights and limitations manager with Chilcot Systems in the UK. He describes himself as an enthusiastic amateur who has been using Xojo on and off for approximately six years.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 4,697
Starting Page Number: 25
Article Number: 11606
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Excerpt of article text...

The 2013 European Xojo conference was held in Koblenz, Germany (September 11-14). Organized and hosted by Christian Schmitz of Monkey Bread Software, the conference was a great success.

It was the largest Xojo Developers Conference to be held outside of the USA and was attended by 51 developers from 12 countries. The numbers attending would have been higher but, because of the delay in Xojo's support for the iOS platform, many delegates from Spain and Italy cancelled.

The city of Koblenz was an excellent choice of venue, with a history stretching back to before Roman times. The Altstadt (Old Town) comprises narrow lanes of shops and taverns which link squares of historical interest and grandeur. In the evening, the squares become venues for open air entertainment. The surrounding area is blessed with a natural beauty that is breathtaking. It is easy to see why emperors, dukes, and kings have resided here.

The scheduling of the conference days was an excellent use of time and resources, as the conference had to cater to differing languages. Day one was a training day in the German language, days two and three were given over to the presentations, with day four as another training day in English. This simple but effective scheduling ploy enabled delegates to select the training day most suitable for them.

The skill and knowledge levels of those attending ranged from Xojo newbie to 'long in the tooth' Xojo users (with just one Xojo skeptic). The age range was a mix of 'pimplies' to 'wrinklies,' all with Xojo as a common interest. The presentations were delivered with knowledge and passion and had something for each knowledge level. The presentations by Thomas Tempelmann, Patrick Delaney, and Jeremie Leroy were extremely enlightening and very well presented. Xojo was represented by Stephane Pinel; however, such a gathering of Xojo users should have attracted greater attention from Xojo, Inc.

The conference dinner was held on Thursday evening in one of the many castles that surround the local area. After short coach journey and an interesting walk down to the castle, the delegates were piped into the banquet hall by a piper dressed in medieval costume using Union/Uilleann pipes. During the evening the piper acted as master of ceremonies and ensured that all were involved in the festivities. In all, the food and libations were very good and the company excellent. The evening ended with a torch-lit tour of the castle ramparts. It would be difficult for anyone not to end the evening with anything but good memories.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.