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Issue 11.6 ('Apple About Boxes')
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The Apple About Box

Building a Better Mac App with a Genuine Apple About Box

Issue: 11.6 (November/December 2013)
Author: Sam Rowlands
Author Bio: Sam is the code monkey behind Ohanaware Software.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 9,322
Starting Page Number: 30
Article Number: 11607
Resource File(s):

Download Icon project11607.zip Updated: 2013-11-04 12:39:28

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Excerpt of article text...

Adding an About Box to a project is often one of the last things to be done. It's one of the tedious required elements that we're not even sure how many people check it and often when we create one, we don't give it much thought afterwards.

What if I told you there was an easy and quick way to add an About Box? One that is consistent with the millions of Cocoa based apps already out there, and requires next to no maintenance as it automatically pulls the application icon, version number, and other information from the app?

Well, Apple provides one as part of their huge toolbox. It's already Retina-compatible (you only need to make your application Retina-ready), and if Apple ever changes the format or the functions of the About box, your app will automatically receive those updates. Getting the Apple About Box to display in a Xojo is much quicker and easier than you might think.

In the Xojo Project, select the main menu bar and add a menu item to one of the menus (see Figure 1).

Change the type of the newly-created menu item to be an "AppleMenuItem"

menu item type

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.