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Issue 12.1 ('Smart Localization')
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xDev Turns Twelve

Thoughts from the Publisher

Issue: 12.1 (January/February 2014)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,191
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 12100
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You may have noticed that with this issue, xDev Magazine starts its twelfth year! I'm still in awe as it feels like I just started this thing. So much has changed -- including our name and the name of the product we cover, and the tech world is all upside-down now with Apple on top and Microsoft sinking -- but our mission to teach programming is the same. Here's to another twelve years!

Pre-Order xDev Archive 11 Now

At the end of each year we produce a printed book of the year's issues -- always with a substantial discount for existing subscribers. You can save even more by pre-ordering year 11 (http://xdevmag.com/bookpreorder-subscriber.shtml) -- but remember the pre-order sale is only for a very limited time.

In This Issue

If you missed the Xojo conference in Birmingham, England, Richard Duke brings us a complete report. His wife, Trisha Duke, continues her series of articles this time giving smart tips on localization. Paul Budd explains how to use Valentina Reports with Xojo, and Sam Rowlands is back to show some awesome Cocoa tricks with windows: adding an automatic window menu, how to include a document icon on the titlebar, getting the OS to automatically remember and restore window sizes and positions, and more.

In our columns, there are a ton of tips in the new Tips and Tricks. (Please send yours in for the future!) Plus we cover AddHandler, event-driven programming, RegEx, databases, and more. Enjoy!

End of article.