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Issue 13.1 ('iOS First Look')
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Thoughts from the Publisher

Issue: 13.1 (January/February 2015)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,865
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 13100
Related Link(s): None

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The day I've been waiting for has arrived: we finally feature iOS development within these pages!

That this happens as xDev starts our thirteenth year is intriguing timing. I'll admit, after a dozen years, it's gotten harder to come up with content we haven't covered. But suddenly the world is fresh and new again, like when we first launched in 2002. With iOS, there's so much to cover I'm not sure where to begin! (If you have suggestions for topics you'd like to see us cover, please do send them in.)

Pre-Order xDev Archive 12

If you prefer a printed magazine, now's your chance to get all of 2014's xDev issues in book format at a huge discount. Through January 23, 2015, you can save 25% by pre-ordering Volume 12. If you're reading this, you're a current subscriber, so you qualify for an additional 25% on our books—meaning you can get xDev Archive 12 for 50% off! See our ad on page 52 for more details.

In This Issue

I've written two pieces on iOS this issue: an overview of the process, and in Beginner's Corner, I walk you through building an iPhone app.

Of course, that's just the beginning in this, our biggest issue ever! (Ninety-six pages.) We welcome back author JC Cruz after a long absence as he helps us build a Heath Journal app. Kevin Cully and Scott Boss explain the pros and cons of various ways to access data in Xojo, and Richard Duke reports on last month's Xojo Conference in the U.K. (with plenty of pictures).

In this issue's columns, we say good-bye to Seth Verrinder's Anything Goes. He's just not using Xojo enough at his new job to continue writing. Thanks for everything, Seth! Our other columnists have written some great stuff: articles on database modeling, Xojo 2014r13, tips on word processing and more, a profile of Markus Winter, Regex literals, and much more. Happy New Year!

End of article.