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Issue 13.5 ('Text Messaging')
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Issue: 13.5 (September/October 2015)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,603
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 13500
Related Link(s): None

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While working on this issue of xDev, I suddenly noticed large "floaters" in my right eye. I've had bad eyesight almost all my life and floaters are common, but these were huge and exceedingly annoying. I called my eye doctor and he had me get checked out for a possible detached retina.

It turned out I had a retinal tear, which was quickly fixed with a laser (without repair it could lead to detachment, which is serious). I still have some floaters and my vision in that eye is slightly diminished, but hopefully that will improve with time.

There's nothing I did that caused the tear; the doctor said it's just bad luck, though I am in a higher risk category due to my severe myopia. But as someone who works with his eyes, this was a real wake-up call, and reminder of how fragile we humans are. I am lucky to be able to do things I love—writing and programming—for a living. So enjoy your work and take care of your health!

In This Issue

My call for authors in the last issue produced fruit! Mark Strickland has contributed a neat article on a system he developed with Xojo that uses the simplest of all user interfaces: cell phone text messaging.

We've also added a new columnist, as Scott Boss is now writing a column about free and open source software for Xojo. For his first article, he's written about the Kaju self-updater.

Markus Winter challenges you to "Spot the Error" in a short piece about subtle differences between integer types, and JC Cruz continues his health journal project, this time covering medication tracking.

In our columns, we've got new tips, database design tools, how to make document-based applications, and much more. Enjoy!

End of article.