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Issue 13.6 ('Stay Out of Jail')
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Issue: 13.6 (November/December 2015)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,326
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 13600
Related Link(s): None

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If you were asleep lately, you might have missed two big Xojo developments: you can now compile 64-bit desktop apps and write apps for Raspberry Pi computers! This is brand new territory, but we touch on both of those in this issue, with more coverage in the pipeline. (I'm especially interested in what readers are doing with Raspberry Pi, so write me if you'd like to share your cool Pi project.)

Eye Update

Thanks to those who expressed concern about my retinal tear (mentioned last issue). I actually ended up with a second one (found on return visit to doctor) and had that fixed as well. So far, everything's pretty good (though I still have floaters). I go back soon for my six-week followup, so I'll know more then, but I'm hoping everything's good.

In This Issue

We've got a little something for everyone this time! Wondering what 64-bit means for your apps? Sam Rowlands has got you covered, explaining how you can update any declares your apps use.

To keep you out of jail, Mark Strickland shares a technique on encrypting medical data to meet the strict standards required by the U.S. government.

In other features, Markus Winter shares a handy help method and begins a series on multiprocessing in Xojo. And JC Cruz continues his health journal project.

In our columns, we've got new tips, Raspberry Pi info, database-oriented design patterns, OptionParse, caching, and much more. Enjoy!

End of article.