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Issue 14.6


XDC 2016

Xojo code, good food, great people, and loud music

Issue: 14.6 (November/December 2016)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: Marc taught himself programming in high school when he bought his first computer but had no money for software. He's had fun learning ever since.
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Why can't something go wrong? Year after year, the Xojo Developer's Conference goes off without a hitch. The quality of the venues, sessions, and entertainment vary, but it's never awful. Worse, there's always new stuff to learn, surprise announcements, great people, and lots of fun!

As someone who's attended every single conference (see Figure 1), you'd think I'd be bored by now. Isn't it the same every year? Why can't we have something exciting happen?

Well, we almost had it this year. Apparently, there had been talk of having it in Florida again, but conference organizer Dana Brown always researches weather patterns for proposed locations and dates carefully and knew that Florida in the fall was a bad idea. Thank goodness, because we would have all been right in the middle of Hurricane Matthew!

As it was, the storm did interrupt some people's travel plans home, but the conference itself went smoothly without any major hiccups. Or at least, any that we noticed.

Off to Houston

For me, the conference began with my leaving early Monday morning from Portland, Oregon. I had a short flight down to San Francisco, where I had a three-hour layover, giving me a chance to meet a local friend. We found a nice French bakery where the pastries were outrageous (see Figure 2). Then I took off for Houston—which was a little weird since my friend was leaving for Houston the next week for a new job—and arrived that evening (see Figure 3).

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.