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Xojo Compiler Optimization
Tweaking Xojo's compiler for faster code
Issue: 14.6 (November/December 2016)
Author: Christian Schmitz
Author Bio: Christian Schmitz is the creator of the Monkeybread Software Xojo Plugins.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 24,324
Starting Page Number: 49
Article Number: 14605
Related Link(s): None
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With Xojo version 2016r3, several optimization options were added for the Xojo compiler. These are Default, Moderate, and Aggressive. Each takes longer to compile than the previous but, supposedly, produces faster code.
But what difference do these optimization levels really make? I decided to look into LLDB and examine the generated assembler code. In three example snippets I will demonstrate what difference the optimization makes.
Warning: assembly language code follows. But don't worry—you don't really need to understand it. Simply seeing how compiler optimization produces fewer assembly instructions is enough to see how faster code is possible. So let's get started with the first example!
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