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Issue 16.2 ('StockScripter')
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XDC, Already

Thoughts from the Publisher

Issue: 16.2 (March/April 2018)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,540
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 16200
Related Link(s): None

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I can't believe it's already time for XDC (https://www.xojo.com/xdc/)!

Technically, it's still nearly two months away, at the end of April, but that means it'll be over by the time the next xDev hits the ether.

Speaking of that schedule, just an alert that I'll be delaying the release of the May/June issue by a week to allow me to include coverage of the conference. I'll post a more definitive schedule on the xDev website once I've finalized it.

Get Your xDev Archive 15 With Free Shipping

Several international readers have asked about me delivering their copy of the xDev Archive 15 printed book to them at XDC. That's certainly going to be an option. I'll put up a special purchase page with conference pricing and free delivery about a month before XDC. In the meantime, if you're interested, drop me an email (publisher@xdevmag.com) and I'll let you know when it's ready.

In This Issue

Somehow I ended up writing two articles for this issue. In the first, I build upon Javier Menendez's Xojo Blog article on using the DocVerter web service to create a more full-featured converter. In the other, I enhanced my stock price getter program by turning it into a scriptable stock calculator.

JC Cruz starts on new series of using data predicates.

For something completely different, check out Eugene Dakin's demo on how to control motors with Raspberry Pi.

In our columns, Paul talks about the Xojo community, Craig explores PITR, Scott covers Xojo encrypting, and I update my custom code formatting script. Enjoy!

End of article.