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Issue 17.2 ('Barchart API')
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XDC 2019 Approaching Fast

Thoughts from the Publisher

Issue: 17.2 (March/April 2019)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,591
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 17200
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It's crazy, but XDC 2019 is nearly here (May 1-3). In fact, it'll happen before the next xDev is released. I'll be delaying the May issue a week or so to allow conference coverage, so keep that in mind. Can't wait to see many of you in Miami!

xDev Archive 16 Shipping

Speaking of schedules, I'm behind on shipping the books, but they'll be going out this week, once I get this issue of the magazine published. So if you ordered a book, it should be arriving soon. If you haven't ordered the book, now is the time (http://www.xdevmag.com/bookpreorder-subscriber.shtml).

In This Issue

February is a short month, so we have a shorter issue. Just kidding! For some reason, our articles are not quite as long this time, but we make up for it in variety.

Timothy Dietrich is back with more of his "Beyond JSON" series, this time demonstrating how to make charts via an API.

Christian Schmitz contributes a nice little entry on the challenge of creating listboxes with alternating colors... in Dark Mode.

We've got two articles from Eugene Dakin. In a technical one he writes about using dynamic DLLs in Windows, and in a fun cross-platform piece he shows to how to create a rotating 3D cube. There's graphics math for those interested!

Speaking of numbers, after a long hiatus, "advanced beginner" Markus Winter is back to explain why it's so difficult to create a numbers-only textfield.

In our regular columns we cover creating custom events, how to make windows flash, and another Best of the Web column, which I'm pleased to report got positive reviews in its debut last issue. Enjoy!

End of article.