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Issue 17.6 ('Xojo in Cologne')
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A New Era

Thoughts from the Publisher

Issue: 17.6 (November/December 2019)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,064
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 17600
Related Link(s): None

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I don't know about you, but the advent of API 2.0, support for Android, Web 2.0, and other big changes to Xojo feels like we're entering a new era.

We're in the middle of the change so it's hard to tell the significance, but in the future I think we'll look back at this time as a major event. While such transitions are always chaotic, I find it exciting. I hope you are excited about the future, too!

In This Issue

We've got a ton of stuff this time, with six features. Dana Brown writes about the MBS Conference in Cologne, Germany, and there are plenty of pictures for those who couldn't attend (like me).

JC Cruz is back from a long hiatus with a fascinating article on making your projects more error tolerant.

Naturally, Paul Budd continues building his simple Web App, and Markus Winter continues with his never-ending numbers-only textfield project, and makes some progress (and some steps back) on his Mapkit series.

Finally, Stefanie Juchmes from Monkeybread Software explains how to use the MBS big and large number classes.

In our regular columns, Susan writes about planning, Paul covers Xojo 2019r2, and I explore API 2.0 in Beginner's Corner. Enjoy!

End of article.