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Issue 18.2 ('Listbox Drawing')
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Nashville, Ho!

Thoughts from the Publisher

Issue: 18.2 (March/April 2020)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,753
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 18200
Related Link(s): None

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As I write this, I'm recovering from a batch of poison oak. It turns out I'm highly allergic. My eyes swelled up so it looks like I got in a fight with Mike Tyson. I could hardly see. Fortunately, I'm on drugs now to compensate for it, and I'm doing much better. But it's sure weird! I guess it's better than Covid-19, or whatever they're calling the coronavirus this week.

Anyway, on better news I'm looking forward to XOJO.CONNECT in Nashville later this month. I sure hope to see many of you there. It sounds like it's going to be a terrific conference. They're all special, of course, in their own way, but I'm getting a feeling that we're all in for some good news as the Xojo development environment makes some big improvements. I'm excited.

I'll cover the trip and the conference in detail next issue (xDev 18.3, May/June), so keep an eye out for that!

In This Issue

Markus Winter continues his Mapkit adventures, and has another article on an OOP approach to working with the Listbox control.

MBS' Stefanie Juchmes is back with how to draw into PDFs and continues the SceneKit tutorial she started last time.

Paul Budd shows shows us how to deploy his "simple web app" as a standalone app.

And I chip in with an update to my Comic Downloader app (covered in xDev 10.1) getting it working with URLConnection and the latest Xojo.

In our regular columns, I regret to say that Susan Fennema has written her last "Chaos" column for xDev; she needs to devote time to her business, which I fully understand. We're sorry to see her go, but appreciate all the great project management tips she's contributed over the last year.

We also have Paul with some great Xojo tips, and I continue my MacOS Catalina adventures in Beginner's Corner. Enjoy!

End of article.