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Issue 18.4 ('Mac to iOS')
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Maps Part 5 (Finding and Displaying Addresses)

Implementing Maps in Xojo desktop apps with the MapKitMBS plug-in

Issue: 18.4 (July/August 2020)
Author: Markus Winter
Author Bio: Markus is a Molecular Biologist who taught himself REALbasic programming in 2003 to let the computer deal with some exceedingly tedious lab tasks. Some call it lazy, he thinks it smart. He still thinks of himself as an advanced beginner at best.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 17,435
Starting Page Number: 67
Article Number: 18406
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Excerpt of article text...

Last time we found that it is better to use MapKit's LocalSearch rather than GeoCoding to find and show an address on a map (see Figure 1).

Which brought up the question if there is any point in using GeoCoding at all? I have to say that as far as searching for an address, business, or point of interest is concerned: none that I can see. But there is one function that MapKit has not yet taken over from GeoCoding: reverse-lookups, when you need to turn coordinates into a human readable location.

As LocalSearch and GeoCoding are using different databases I wondered about any differences in outcomes that might result. So to see how the information from MapItem's placemark compares with a reverse-lookup using those same coordinates with a GeoCoder, I searched for KFC, and from the suggestions, picked the one in Greenlane, a suburb of Auckland. I supplied the coordinates from the MapItem to a GeoCoder object:

geocoder.reverseGeocodeLocation( mapItem.placemark.location, GeoCoderCompletionHandler )

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.