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Issue 18.6 ('Git')
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Issue: 18.6 (November/December 2020)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: When xDev publisher Marc Zeedar was a kid he used to create magazines just for fun. Now he's doing it for a living!
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 2,753
Starting Page Number: 5
Article Number: 18600
Related Link(s): None

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Guess what? It's fall and we're still in the grips of a pandemic. For all we know the worst is yet to come. It was easy to think the changes in our lives last spring were temporary, but it's clear now that this "New Normal" is here for a while.

That doesn't mean we need to panic. We just need to adapt. In Apple's latest quarterly results call, Tim Cook had some insightful comments. The whole thing (https://sixcolors.com/post/2020/10/tim-cook-on-apples-2020/) is worth reading, but I loved this part talking about Apple's processes:

Working from kitchen tables and bedrooms, in distanced office settings and reworked labs and manufacturing facilities, the team rebuilt every part of the plane while it was midair.

Truly amazing and inspiring!

In This Issue

If you're a solo programmer like me, you've probably thought you don't need a version control system like all the Xojo experts preach. And, like me, you probably haven't done it. It just seems too complicated. But now you don't have an excuse, because Justin Elliott is here to explain in great detail, everything you need to starting using Git with Xojo.

If that doesn't get you excited, perhaps you can learn from Christian Schmitz's handy coding tips, or Markus Winter's solution to subclassing the Toolbar control.

Markus also continues his OOP Listbox series—this time changing course to incorporate Xojo's new customizable headers. In his MapKit series, he shows how to customize annotation views.

In our regular columns, I explore Xojo's new PDF support, Paul covers Xojo's new WebChart control (part of the Web 2.0 update) and SQLite 3.31.1, and "Best of the Web" features links to articles about coding for kids, competing with tech giants, solving the classic "traveling salesperson" problem, and a teen finding an iPhone security hole. Enjoy!

End of article.