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Issue 19.1


Maps Part 8

Implementing Maps in Xojo desktop apps with the MapKitMBS plugin

Issue: 19.1 (January/February 2021)
Author: Markus Winter
Author Bio: Markus is a Molecular Biologist who taught himself REALbasic programming in 2003 to let the computer deal with some exceedingly tedious lab tasks. Some call it lazy, he thinks it smart. He still thinks of himself as an advanced beginner at best.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 28,791
Starting Page Number: 77
Article Number: 19106
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Last time we heard that MarkerAnnotationViews had replaced PinAnnotationViews as the default view in iOS 11 (so you should be familiar with them if you have an iPhone or iPad), and will do the same on the Mac desktop with macOS 11 Big Sur.

However, we do not need to wait until we upgrade our Mac's system software to take advantage of some of the improvements that MarkerAnnotationViews bring (like automatically showing the number of items in a cluster). As we use a custom image for the Car and Xojo User annotation views, we can simply mimic a MarkerAnnotationView by drawing whatever we want in the AnnotationView's image property—including showing the number of annotations in a cluster annotation.

Instead of simply assigning the icon image to the annotation view in the GetViewForCustomAnnotation method, we first modify the image before assigning it:

// customize appearance

view.image = image

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.