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Issue 19.5 ('Xojo Business Solution')
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An Idea Xojo's Future

A win-win-win concept for Xojo, its users, and plugin developers

Issue: 19.5 (September/October 2021)
Author: Markus Winter
Author Bio: Markus is a Molecular Biologist who taught himself REALbasic programming in 2003 to let the computer deal with some exceedingly tedious lab tasks. Some call it lazy, he thinks it smart. He still thinks of himself as an advanced beginner at best.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 41,372
Starting Page Number: 64
Article Number: 19506
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Excerpt of article text...

We all love Xojo, but unless you've been living on a deserted island, you know there are complaints about and issues with the product. This is nothing new, as there's always someone who will be unhappy, but the sheer volume of users suggests that perhaps we've reached a crisis point.

Software development is a complex and dynamic environment with new platforms, new APIs, new trends, and new markets. Keeping up with everything is almost impossible. Xojo has evolved tremendously over the past decade-plus with support for Web and mobile, as well as trying to stay current with all the changes in modern operating systems, but sometimes the strain shows: new features don't work as advertised, promised features are delayed, and there are changes in strategic direction.

It's enough to make one wonder: what is Xojo's future? Does the company have the resources to do everything they've promised? Are there enough users to keep Xojo viable?

I've been concerned enough about this to do actual research (I'm a scientist) and explore potential solutions. And maybe there is an answer that will please everyone—a win-win-win for all involved.

So in this article I'm going to look at the relevant history of how we got to where we are with Xojo, explain my analysis of publicly available data on how Xojo (and its ecosystem) changed over the last 15+ years, and finally, present a potential way forward that should benefit everyone with an interest in the platform.

Where We Are

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.