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Issue 21.2


XML for Beginners

Using XML with the MBS Plugin

Issue: 21.2 (March/April 2023)
Author: Stefanie Juchmes
Author Bio: Stefanie studied computer science at the university in Bonn. She came in touch with Xojo due to the work of her brother-in-law and got a junior developer position in early 2019 at Monkeybread Software.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 14,288
Starting Page Number: 63
Article Number: 21208
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For the past year we have had functions for working with XML in the MBS Xojo Plugins. Let me show you how you start with XML by loading some XML, and reading and writing data.

What is XML?

Xojo has had built-in XML classes for 20 years. We have decided to extend and speed up the XML functionality for you with the MBS plugins. But now first to the question: What is XML actually and why do I need it?

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language with which data can be captured in a very structured way. It is mostly used to exchange data between web services or applications. The data is in a tree structure. That means our data are in nodes which can branch into further levels. The individual levels are indicated and limited by opening and closing tags. Here, for example, we see an XML that contains information about movies.


...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.