
Introducing the “Welcome to Xojo” Bundle!

New to Xojo and looking for guidance? We've put together a terrific bundle to welcome you! Xojo Bundle

This bundle includes six back issues of the magazine -- all of year 22 in printed book and digital formats -- plus a one-year subscription (beginning with 23.1) so you'll be learning all about Xojo for the next year. It's the perfect way to get started programming with Xojo. And you save as much as $35 over the non-bundle price!

This offer is only available for a limited time as supplies are limited, so hurry today and order this special bundle before the offer goes away!

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Issue 21.4 ('ChatGPT')
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Fun With wkhtmltopdf

Debugging Third Party Tools

Issue: 21.4 (July/August 2023)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: Marc taught himself programming in high school when he bought his first computer but had no money for software. He's had fun learning ever since.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 20,221
Starting Page Number: 42
Article Number: 21405
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Recently I got word that it's time for another Omegabundle (http://omegabundle.net), the software bundle for Xojo developers I often participate in offering xDev subscriptions and xDev Library content a la cheap. It's a good way to get new people to check out my content and gain new customers.

However, unlike some developers who have new versions of their software each year, I have relatively the same products, so for each bundle I try to vary which extras I include. This year I decided to do an update to my Xojo Beginner's Collection ebook which brings together over 100 Beginner's Corner columns from xDev Magazine. Since it's been three years since I last produced the book, there are 18 new columns to include, which is a sizable amount of fresh material.

Naturally, I thought this would be easy, since I have xPub, my own publishing tool I created in Xojo, which converts Markdown text files into PDF and ePub documents. All I needed to do was gather together the new columns and hit a button to generate the new PDF.

If only!

Bugs, Nasty Little Bugs

Gathering the old columns together took me about an hour. They're already in Markdown format, so I didn't need to do any conversion. The only tricky part was setting up all the new material into the proper place, and that was only complicated because it had been several years since I'd worked with the files and it took me a few minutes to remember the precise procedure.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.