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Issue 21.6 ('Differences')
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Issue: 21.6 (November/December 2023)
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Article Length (in bytes): 19,262
Starting Page Number: 8
Article Number: 21601
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piDog Software has update DataView to Desktop API2

Phoenix, AZ (October 30, 2023) -- piDog Software has update DataView to Desktop API2

DataView has been updated to Desktop API 2 with the release of DataView 1.17!

This release updates DataView and piDogScrollingCanvas to be based on DesktopCanvas and also updates the DataView API to conform to the new naming conventions of API2, such as CellBackgroundColor() becoming CellBackgroundColorAt() as well as moving from Constants to Enums so that values like AlignCenter become Alignments.Center.

Also in this release:

Significant internal rendering improvements, in some cases leading to a 2x improvement in frame rendering rate during scrolling.

Fixes for various rendering/scale issues involving BackdropImage and BackgroundPattern.

If you're still working with API1, don't worry. I'll still be maintaining an API1 version (currently v1.16.2.1) with bug fixes where possible.

Product: DataView

Platforms: All Desktop

Price: $129

Website: https://www.pidog.com/wp/dataview/

MBS Plugins 23.2 Released

MonkeyBread Software today is pleased to announce MBS Xojo Plugins 23.4 for macOS, Linux and Windows, the latest update to their product that is easily the most powerful plugin collection currently available for Xojo. MBS Xojo Plugins have been updated and now includes over 3000 classes and 80,000 documented features, and the versatile plugins have gained more new functions:

We updated our SSL support for our MongoDB plugin. We switched to using OpenSSL as the transport encryption for the MongoDB library for macOS and iOS. The SSLLibrary function tells you which SSL library is in use. You can use MongoSSLOptionsMBS class to specify SSL options in addition to putting them into the connection string. To check about possible reasons for connection problems, we got a new trace logging functionality with Trace property in MongoClientMBS class. And by regularly calling ping method you can check whether the connection is alive and keep it open.

For macOS we got a new NSSplitViewControlMBS control and the related NSSplitViewMBS class to get the native split control into Xojo. You can customize the splitter and decide between horizontal and vertical layout.

For Windows we rewrote the WindowsPowerStateMBS class. It got a couple of new methods to register for receiving various events about battery capacity change, lid switch change, power source change and suspend/resume events for the mobile computer. The Bluetooth LE classes got updated to support pairing with new WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class. The WebView2ControlMBS control has new methods to map virtual host names to local folders.

For iOS we enabled the use of Midi features using MidiClientMBS class. We updated NSTextListMBS class to work on iOS and improved NSMutableAttributedStringMBSclass.

We got new Base32 encoding and decoding functions, the ProcessRelativeURL method for CURLSMBS class can help to expand relative URLs and we include the BugreporterKit with the examples. The SerialPortMBS class can open paths to special devices like pipes.

Finally we updated ChartDirector to version 7.1, curl to 8.2.1, DynaPDF to, SQLAPI to 5.2.5 and SQLite to version 3.43.1.

Product: MBS Xojo plugins

Platforms: All

Price: $29-$299

Website: http://www.monkeybreadsoftware.com/xojo/plugins.shtml

Xojo 2023 Release 3

Xojo 2023 Release 3 is now available for download. This release includes 40+ new features and 225+ bug fixes.

Zip file support (compression/extraction)

WebMapViewer can now use more providers

Set class

Android: Improved MobileHTMLViewer, new MobilePopupMenu control, manifest permissions

XAML improvements

iOS MobileLocation now supports GeoFencing and Visits

Product: Xojo IDE

Platforms: All

Price: Free IDE (app deployment requires a one-time fee, $149-$1,999)

Website: http://www.xojo.com/download

GraffitiSuite Mobile Edition for iOS

GraffitiSuite is pleased to announce that Mobile Edition for iOS is now in testing!

Today we are pleased to announce GraffitiSuite Mobile Edition for iOS! This long-anticipated addition to our Xojo component lineup is sure to become an essential element of all Xojo Mobile developers' toolboxes. Launching with 21 excellent components, All Access Edition customers can dive in now!

Current list of components:

* Animator * Avatar * AvatarGroup * Badge * Button * Calendar * Card * ColorPicker * DateTimePicker * Editor * Grid * Kanban * Note * Pagination * PopupMenu * Rating * Signature * Slider * SyntaxEditor * TabPanel * ThumbList * Timeline * More to come!

Using GraffitiSuite for your mobile apps gives you power and saves you the time and hassle of building complex components on your own!

Product: GraffitiSuite

Platforms: All

Price: Starting at $399.95/year

Website: http://www.GraffitiSuite.com/

Open Source Stable Diffusion Prompter

The Stable Diffusion Prompter is an application written in Xojo Code that allows users to create positive and negative prompts for Stable Diffusion. With support for both Windows and macOS, and the potential for compatibility with native Linux systems, this app offers a convenient way to generate prompts on multiple platforms.


Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: Free

Website: https://github.com/Schneppi/Stable-Diffusion-Prompter

MBS Xojo Conference 2024 in Andernach, Germany

Monkeybread Software is pleased to announce the MBS Xojo Conference in beautiful Andernach, Germany. We meet in the lovely Einstein Hotel Am Roemerpark in Andernach, Germany. This hotel was built in 2020 and is brand new, very modern and features a nice layout with plenty of views towards the river Rhine. Besides our two conference days we have an accompanying social program with our dinner event and optional training day. For the evenings we have casual get-together at the Sky Bar.

As date and location is set, we are now looking for interested speakers to join our conference. If you have an interesting topic, feel free to propose a session. We look for sessions to present applications made in Xojo, best practice, looking deeper on a Xojo features or presenting a product for Xojo developers.

The schedule:

April 24th: Xojo Training in English

April 25th: Conference, first day with dinner event

April 26th: Conference, second day

Registration is open. The early bird offer available till early 2024 is just 399 Euro plus VAT for a regular ticket. We offer a higher corporate rate to support the event as well as a lower rate for citizen and hobby developers as well as giving a few free tickets to students.

Sessions are to be held in English. Our conference is conceived as a networking event for the Xojo community. The conference is an ideal opportunity for sharing your thoughts and your own development experience with fellow users and developers. If you like to hold a presentation, please contact us as soon as possible. Speaker receive discounted tickets.

Product: Conference

Platforms: All

Price: 399 Euro

Website: https://www.monkeybreadsoftware.de/andernach

GraffitiSuite Release 50 Available

GraffitiSuite is pleased to announce Release 50 for Xojo Desktop and Web! This released includes:

5 New Classes or Products

29 Additions

14 Bug Fixes

16 Various Changes

elease 50 brings one cool new class for both Web and Desktop: GraffitiW3W. This class allows you easily access the What3Words API from within your application, making it easy to supply your users with something readable rather than a typical pair of hard to remember latitude and longitude coordinates. We've also added the ability to leverage this component to GraffitiMapViewer for both Web and Desktop, so all you need to do is bring your own API key in many cases.

Desktop is also getting the new GraffitiModal. This class is super cool. You can easily add beautifully animated modals to any Xojo DesktopWindow, designed visually as a DesktopContainer!

For Web, we built out a Geolocation class that provides a more object-oriented and reliable approach to the built-in Xojo class. It's a simple thing, but it's useful.

Also for Web, the all-new GraffitiVideoRecorder! Now your users can capture video and audio on their devices and the result will be sent to your Xojo Web application! Great for inspection videos, but the possibilities are nearly endless.

Product: GraffitiSuite

Platforms: All

Price: Starting at $399.95/year

Website: http://www.GraffitiSuite.com/

Free 2023 Xojo Developer Conference Videos!

XDC London is underway, we are uploading session videos to Xojo's YouTube channel for you to watch at your convenience. Subscribe to Xojo's YouTube channel to receive notifications of new videos.

Product: XDC Videos

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: https://www.youtube.com/c/XojoInc

PriorityQueue_MTC v.1.0

Kem Tekinay of MacTechnologies Consulting is pleased to announce PriorityQueue_MTC, a priority queue class for Xojo.

PriorityQueue_MTC lets you add arbitrary values (Variants) with arbitrary priorities, then pull those values in order of their priority. It handles both min-to-max and max-to-min sorting, and lets you peek ahead to see the priority and value of the next item on the queue. Based on a binary heap, it is tuned for performance and comes with a number of unit tests to illustrate its usage.

Product: PriorityQueue_MTC

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: https://github.com/ktekinay/Xojo-PriorityQueue

XojoUnit 6.8 with ObjectSpy

XojoUnit v.6.8 has been released.

XojoUnit is a unit testing package. This version adds a new class, ObjectSpy, that makes it convenient to test a class's private methods and properties.

The package is available through GitHub and contains built-in tests that serve as an example of how to use it.

Product: XojoUnit

Platforms: All

Price: Free

Website: https://github.com/xojo/XojoUnit/tree/master

TPLM Xojo Code DRM System now supports Subscriptions

Tim Parnell is pleased to announce the latest update to his professional Digital Rights Management solution, TPLM. As an end-to-end Xojo code system there are no plugins required, no black boxes that prevent maintenance. Whether you subscribe to a managed instance or run your own, you have access to the Xojo code that locks down your software.

Launching today Subscription support is now built in to TPLM, an already easy to drop in solution. TPLM will connect to FastSpring webhooks out of the box so developers can quickly link their FastSpring store to their software product.

TPLM now supports the three most popular types of license models:

Traditional, Major Version licensing

Updates Period, a perpetual license with a year of updates

Subscriptions, pay to use, stop when you're done

TPLM is a professionally built piece of software with two licensing options designed to make the power of TPLM available without becoming overwhelming.

Product: TPLM

Platforms: All

Price: $36/month (service) or $599 (source)

Website: https://strawberrysw.com/tplm

Xojo Developer Retreat Session Videos

The session videos from Xojo Developer Retreat 2022 are now available for anyone to purchase. You can now gain access to all of the session videos for $199 so you can learn from the experts at home. The following presentations are included:

ABCs of Android and Xojo -- Travis Hill

Building Digital Forensic Apps with Xojo -- Derrick Donnelly

Case Study: Building Data Processing Tools -- Geoff Perlman

Creating a Common Desktop App Installer -- Ken Whitaker

Getting Intimate with the Xojo Framework -- William Yu

Integrating Machine Learning into your Xojo Apps -- Jim Meyer

Integrating WooCommerce with Your Xojo Apps -- Javier Menendez

PowerXS -- Marc Zeedar

Thanks For the MemoryBlocks -- Kem Tekinay

The Legal Side of Programming -- Amy Barnes

Using MBS to Extend Xojo -- Christian Schmitz

Using Xojo's PDFDocument -- Javier Menendez

Web SDK -- Ricardo Cruz

Xojo: How It's Made -- Paul Lefebvre

19 Ways To Improve Your Business (Other Than Coding) -- Yousaf Shah

Product: Xojo Developer Retreat Session Videos

Platforms: All

Price: $199

Website: https://www.xojo.com/store/#conference


AXNumValidatedTF is a Xojo DesktopTextField/TextField subclass for Windows, macOS and Linux allowing the input validation of a defined numeric range, using the system Locale settings for decimal and grouping text formatting.

The new release updates the control to API 2.0 and also includes other improvements.

Raise Events when the entered value is in / out of Range (active catching / propagation of the value).

Optionally displays a message Dialog when the entered value is out of range.

Optionally stays in focus when the entered value is out of range.

Use of Locale settings for Grouping and Decimal separators.

Adaptive formatting during the value validation.

Instance ToolTip / HelpTag set to the accepted value Range

Set the length of the decimal part for Real numbers.

IsInRange property to passively check if the value is inside the defined range.

Xojo API 2.0 / API 1.0 versions of the Class.

macOS / Windows / Linux (32/64 bits -- Intel / ARM) compatible.

Product: AXNumValidatedTF

Platforms: OSX/Win

Price: 20 Euros

Website: https://www.aprendexojo.com/en/shop/axnumvalidatedtf-for-xojo-2/

GuancheID 1.2 Released

GuancheID is the easiest way to get an unique ID for macOS and Windows based computers, so you can use it in combination with GuancheMOS or with your own software Licensing scheme to make sure your software only runs on the computer the license has been generated for, among other possible uses.

This new release adds ARM support and other improvements to GuancheID.

You can use GuancheID without restrictions when running your apps in Debug Mode from the Xojo IDE, but a license is required when building an application that makes use of it.

Product: GuancheID

Platforms: Desktop

Price: 40 Euros

Website: https://www.aprendexojo.com/en/shop/guancheid-2/

AprendeXojo announces GuancheMOS 1.9.5

AprendeXojo announces the immediate availability of GuancheMOS 1.9.5, the multiplatform plug-in for Xojo users that allows the easy, fast, no Rocket-Science implementation of serial number generation and validation features on macOS, Windows, Linux and Web applications.

GuancheMOS 1.9.5 plug-in adds the compatibility with ARM architecture on Windows, so users can deploy now their solutions on Windows as Intel or ARM64 apps.

Since 2007, GuancheMOS is the preferred serial number creation and validation Engine plug-in used by hundred of Xojo developers all over the World in all kind of apps and solutions.

GuancheMOS is both Desktop and Console safe, so it is possible to create all kind of license serial number generation and validation solutions around it, without having to pay additional fees or other hidden costs.

GuancheMOS is part of the Omegabundle 2022, so you can get it with other top Xojo developer tools and extras at an incredible price... while it lasts!

Product: GuancheMOS

Platforms: Desktop/Web

Price: 110 Euros

Website: https://www.aprendexojo.com/shop/guanchemos-serial-number-generation-and-validation-for-xojo-developers/

Markdown Parser for Xojo 1.2

AprendeXojo.com announces the availability of Markdown Parser for Xojo 1.2. The new release has been updated for Xojo API 2.0, with many other improvements in the parsing engine.

Markdown Parser for Xojo is an un-encrypted class with no dependencies, and easy to implement and use in your existing projects, allowing any Xojo developer to implement in their products the ability to parse Markdown source text into HTML + the provided CSS styles, so it can be presented on the fly over the standard Xojo HTML control.

Markdown Parser for Xojo is 32 and 64 bit compatible for macOS, Windows, Linux operating systems on Desktop, Web, Console and RaspberryPi deployments.

When buying a license of Markdown Parser for Xojo you will receive the 100% Xojo code class unencrypted, so you will be able to inspect/change/expand it to your own purposes (if needed).

Inspect / Access Source Code. No Chains!

Extremely Easy to Implement and Use.

One year of free updates and Customer support.

Exclusive portal for Feedback / Feature Requests / Bugs submission and follow up.

Product: Markdown Parser fo Xojo

Platforms: Desktop

Price: $96 (approx)

Website: https://www.aprendexojo.com/shop/markdown-parser-for-xojo-with-source-code/

End of article.