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Issue 22.3


Transactional Email Services

Learn about transactional email services, the problems that they solve, and how to send email via Twilio SendGrid.

Issue: 22.3 (May/June 2024)
Author: Tim Dietrich
Author Bio: Tim uses Xojo to develop custom software for businesses that are running on NetSuite.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 15,599
Starting Page Number: 72
Article Number: 22306
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As Xojo developers, we're often asked to implement features that involve sending email messages. Regardless of the type of app that we're building—whether it's a Web app, desktop app, mobile app, or console app—the ability to reliably send email messages is often critically important to the success of the app itself.

For example, an app might need to send email messages to users so that they can recover their passwords. An ecommerce-related app might need to send customers order acknowledgements, order status updates, shipment tracking numbers, and delivery notifications. A customer-relationship management (CRM) app might need to send marketing-oriented emails to existing or prospective customers, and track those messages to determine whether they've been opened, bounced, and so on.

In each of the examples listed above, the messages are sent programmatically. They're triggered by either a user action, a process, or a business rule. These types of messages are often referred to as transactional email messages.

Challenges With Sending Transactional Email Messages

While we could send email messages directly, doing so can often prove to be challenging, unreliable, and generally problematic. For example, if one or more recipients flags an email as being spam, then there's a chance that your sending reputation will be impacted, and will prevent other messages from being delivered. And if you're sending a large volume of messages, then this is more likely to occur.

Another issue with sending email messages directly is that it can be difficult to determine if they've been received, opened, forwarded, bounced, and so on.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.