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Comments on Comments

Tim Dietrich discusses the role of comments in his development process, the importance of comments to him, and some different opinions on the topic.

Issue: 22.4 (July/August 2024)
Author: Tim Dietrich
Author Bio: Tim uses Xojo to develop custom software for businesses that are running on NetSuite.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 7,457
Starting Page Number: 38
Article Number: 22405
Related Link(s): None

Excerpt of article text...

Over the course of my career, I've had opportunities to work on projects that involved a number of different programming languages, including Pascal, Clarion, Perl, FileMaker, BroadVision, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, JavaScript, Xojo, Swift, and more recently, SuiteScript (NetSuite's JavaScript-based language). But the one constant in all of my development work has been how I use comments, and how important they are to me.

I was thinking about this recently, and realized that I can trace my use of comments back to my college days. When working on a programming assignment, I'd start by essentially outlining the code, and I'd use comments as a sort of "meta code" to build the outline. The outline would start off in a very basic form, and I'd gradually add details.

I'd eventually use the comments to help me write the "real code." I'd move blocks of code around, identify common code that might be best implemented as functions or procedures, and so on. As a result of this process, the solution would emerge. In fact, this is the same approach that I use today.

In most cases, I'll leave the comments in place. My reason for doing this is that I figure I've already written the comments, and there's generally no harm in retaining them. I often find that those comments are helpful when I need to work on code that I've written awhile ago. They've also been helpful in cases where the code was assigned to another developer—regardless of whether the other developer was "junior" or not.

For me, commenting code is a natural part of my development process. And again, I've found comments to be invaluable. I think that's why I'm so surprised when I talk to other developers, or read articles and comments (no pun intended) online, where comments are seen in such a drastically different way.

"Good Code Documents Itself"

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.