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Alternative and Supplemental Income
Ideas and advice for developers that want to start alternative and supplemental income streams
Issue: 23.1 (January/February 2025)
Author: Tim Dietrich
Author Bio: Tim uses Xojo to develop custom software for businesses that are running on NetSuite.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 9,211
Starting Page Number: 48
Article Number: 23105
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Whether you're a self-employed Xojo developer or a developer working for someone else, relying on a single source of income can be frightening and risky. If you work for yourself, there's always a chance that a client contract you depend on will be delayed or canceled. Unfortunately, if you work for someone else, that same risk applies.
One way to reduce this risk is to establish alternative and supplemental income streams. If you're self-employed, you can offer products and services to supplement your core offerings. If you work for someone else, you can maintain your day job while doing some work on the side to earn additional income.
In this article, I will share ideas about possible alternative and supplemental income streams, as well as advice on how to find those that are best for you.
Content-Related Ideas
If you have ideas, experience, and/or knowledge that you're willing to share, you have several options for monetizing that "content." These include blogging, podcasting, publishing videos, creating online courses, and publishing books or ebooks.
One of the advantages of content-related ideas is that they usually don't require a large financial investment, so there's little risk in trying them out.
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