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Anthony Cyphers
An Interview with Anthony Cyphers, Sole Proprietor and Lead Developer of GraffitiSuite Solutions, and Xojo MVP
Issue: 23.1 (January/February 2025)
Author: Tim Dietrich
Author Bio: Tim uses Xojo to develop custom software for businesses that are running on NetSuite.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 11,612
Starting Page Number: 69
Article Number: 23109
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For this issue, I had the opportunity to interview Anthony Cyphers, the developer of GraffitiSuite, Xojo MVP, and a well-known member of the Xojo community.
Your Background
When did you first become interested in software development?
At the age of 10 or 11, I stumbled upon QuickBASIC on a school computer. I had no idea what I was doing at first, but I muddled through and figured it out. My computer teacher at the time noticed and found me a second-hand book from somewhere. She encouraged me to learn, even giving me notes to skip some classes just to mess around in QB. I wrote my first line of code for pay at age 13, was forever hooked, and knew what I would most likely be doing for the rest of my life at that point.
When and how did you discover Xojo?
It was 2002. I was doing VB6 development work for a computer support company, and we started picking up more Apple users who, obviously, couldn't use our software. I needed a solution and found it with REALbasic. I was able to quickly prototype one of our apps in RB, and the rest is history.
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