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Issue 23.1 ('Photo Batch Processing')
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Best of the Web

Great programming articles you may have missed

Issue: 23.1 (January/February 2025)
Author: Marc Zeedar
Author Bio: Marc taught himself programming in high school when he bought his first computer but had no money for software. He's had fun learning ever since.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 4,800
Starting Page Number: 74
Article Number: 23110
Related Link(s): None

Excerpt of article text...

Here I share links to interesting programming-related articles from around the web. Note that these may not have anything to do with Xojo, and I don't necessarily advocate the opinions shared—I simply think they're worth reading for a broader perspective.

How a good business deal made us underestimate BASIC

Liam Proven (https://www.theregister.com/2025/01/03/reevaluatingbasicslegacy/)

Excerpt: Thanks to Tramiel, Commodore got a very sweet deal. The company didn't even pay royalties—but that also meant no updates... Commodore BASIC was poor on the VIC-20, and positively lousy on the C64. There were no commands to set colors, or to draw, load or save graphics; no sound commands to play music or sound effects; nothing.

... The Commodore 64 sold about 17 million units, which meant that a lot of 1980s kids knew nothing else, and they all thought that having a cramped and feature-poor BASIC was normal.

...End of Excerpt. Please purchase the magazine to read the full article.