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Finding Clients
Ideas and Advice for Developers Who Are Looking for New Clients
Issue: 23.2 (March/April 2025)
Author: Tim Dietrich
Author Bio: Tim uses Xojo to develop custom software for businesses that are running on NetSuite.
Article Description: No description available.
Article Length (in bytes): 8,893
Starting Page Number: 54
Article Number: 23205
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Over the years, as I've spoken with other independent developers, the question I've been asked the most is: "How do you find clients?"
Regardless of the type of developer they are—Xojo developers, NetSuite developers, Salesforce developers, and so on—the thing that many seem to struggle with is finding clients.
Finding clients can be particularly challenging for Xojo developers because the market for Xojo developers appears to be small, especially relative to the markets for other technologies. While it
appears to be small, I believe that it's actually a potentially large market. It all depends on how you market yourself.My technique for finding clients—and
good clients in particular—isn't something I developed intentionally, and certainly not quickly. Over time, it just sort of happened. It developed as a result of doing certain things consistently, reading about what worked for other developers and consultants, and studying developers and consultants that I admired.In this article, I'm going to share what has worked for me. My hope is that it'll work for you, too—or at least give you some ideas that you can use to effectively market yourself.
Don't Market Yourself as a Xojo Developer
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